
AVRORA 14-14-23

Nitroammofoska 14-14-23 - universal highly effective complex fertilizer. It does not contain ballast substances and harmful impurities, it is ecologically clear, has good physical and mechanical properties. It has a low chlorine content and is well suited for vegetable and chlorine sensitive crops. Favorably affects the rooting of seedlings when planting in the ground, the growth of plants in the initial period of development. Increases the resistance of crops to short-term frosts and lack of moisture, reduces the accumulation of nitrates in fruits and vegetables, and increases their shelf life.


Ideal for potatoes and vegetables


Advantages of the product:

  • All nutrients in one granule.
  • High potassium content.
  • The fertilizer is ideal for vegetable crops, root crops, and tubers․
  • The increased sulfur content helps to increase the nutritional value of the crop.
  • Ecologically pure raw material, does not contain heavy metals.
  • Enriched with meso- and microelements Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn.