

Active ingredients: malathion, 570 g/l.

  • Malathion belongs to the class of organophosphorus compounds, has a contact and partially fumigation effect on insects and ticks.

Purpose: contact insectoacaricide of a wide spectrum of action against pests of stocks.


Formulation: emulsion concentrate.


Advantages of the drug: 

  • A wide range of action against various pests of stocks, including mites.
  • Triple action - contact, intestinal and partially fumigation.
  • High insecticidal activity in a wide temperature range.


Mechanism of action: malathion inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses in insects, which leads to paralysis and their death.


The period of protective action: up to 14 days.


Working fluid consumption: up to 50 ml / m2.
