

Active ingredients: isopropylamine salt, glyphosate acid 500 g / l.


Purpose: Non-selective herbicide for the control of annual and perennial dicotyledonous and cereal weeds, desiccant.


Spectrum of action: All annual and perennial grasses and dicotyledonous weeds, including malignant species (creeping wheatgrass, field thistle, field bindweed, pink bitterness, fingered pig, etc.).


Mechanism of action: Penetrates into plants through leaves and other green parts and is carried through all organs of weeds, reaching their root system. Blocks the synthesis of aromatic amino acids, which leads to damage to growth points and the complete death of aboveground and underground organs.
Does not affect seeds.


Advantages of the drug:

  • The most effective destruction of the root system of weeds and their aboveground parts.
  • An ideal solution for autumn cultivation against perennial rhizome and root-sapling weeds.
  • A larger amount of active ingredient in a formulation, a lower consumption rate.
  • Complete destruction of almost all types of annual and perennial dicotyledonous and cereal weeds and trees and shrubs.
  • Use as a wheat desiccant.
  • Complete safety of use in crop rotation.


Application features: Tornado® 500 works best on weeds when they are fresh and growing quickly. In hot dry weather, treatment is best done in the morning or evening. In severe drought, spraying is not recommended. You should also refrain from processing if rain is expected within 2 to 4 hours after it, or with heavy dew. It dilutes the preparation on the leaves and reduces its effectiveness. When forecasting intense precipitation, you should refrain from processing for the maximum period of time.
If the leaves of the weeds are covered with a layer of dust, the herbicide does not enter the plants well, so it is best to apply the treatment after the rain has passed and the dust has been washed off.
For highly effective control of perennial weeds, soil cultivation is carried out no earlier than two weeks after treatment. Cultivation at an earlier date can significantly reduce its effectiveness. It is also necessary to take into account the phase of development of perennial weeds at the time of spraying - they should be treated during the period of the predominant outflow of plastic substances into the root system. You should not increase the volume of the working solution in comparison with the recommended one, as this reduces the level of the active ingredient entering the weeds.
Do not allow Tornado® 500 to hit cultivated plants and forest belts. It is not recommended to carry out processing at a wind speed of more than 5 m / s.
The water for preparing the working solution must always be clean.


Working fluid consumption:

  • With ground spraying of vegetative weeds - 100 - 200 l / ha.
  • For aviation - 25 - 50 l / ha.
  • For weed control and 50 - 100 l / ha for desiccation.