
Propineb 700 G/KG

Active ingredient: Propineb 700 g/kg


Properties of the drug։

Vilproneb 70 is a highly effective multi-crop contact fungicide against a wide range of pathogens. The form properties of Vilproneb provide excellent distribution and content of the drug on the leaf surface. Vilproneb has a special mechanism of action and is an indispensable tool in anti-resistance strategies. 

Due to the influence of Vilproneb on various processes in the biosystems of the cells of the pathogen, there is practically no possibility of the appearance of resistance. This makes Vilproneb an indispensable partner for the duty of fungicide treatments. In addition, the active ingredient Vilproneb (propineb) contains zinc in its structure, an important trace element, which is in an accessible form for simultaneous foliar feeding of plants. Vilproneb treatment of 2.25 kg / ha corresponds to the introduction of 473 g of zinc per 1 ha․


Advantages of the drug:

  • Basic fungicide for obtaining high and quality yields of grapes, potatoes, tomatoes and apples.
  • No risk of emergence of resistance due to the versatile mechanism of action.
  • An indispensable product for the duty of fungicide treatments in the protection system.
  • Significant source of zinc for waste crops.
  • Outstanding phytocompatibility with many crops at different stages of their development.